Thanks to Calvin (soph, A2F) for the submission. This is going to be hard to beat.
For those who don't know - there's this ramp in Willard's education building, where some of our Gracepoint Element youth (and our college sophomores with too much time) would ride the rolling office chairs down. Because it's so smooth, you can pick up speed down that ramp pretty quickly, and the scariest thing is during that whole ride, it feels like the chair can flip over at any time, spitting you out face-first onto the concrete.
I don't know why James, our praise leader, decided to do this, but you can see on his face that he's praying with his eyes open.
this actually occurred when the current seniors were practicing for glive last year. We were having some fun and James exclaimed "what are you guys doing?!" then he decided to give it a try...
First, a lesson in leadership(?):
"If you want your men to bleed, then you have to hemorrhage..." But what if you're men are already bleeding?
Second, a message (inspired by John 2:4):
"Dear [Daniel], why do you involve me?"... "Your time will come."
Don't forget, you were a worship leader before, too...
Wow! I had totally blanked out those memories when Daniel used to lead praise.
It's like the experience of when I got jumped and sent to the hospital. For a good 30 minutes before the event until I woke up in the hopistal: the whole event is all gone from my memory. My conclusion is that it was too painful for me to remember.
Somethings are better left forgotten...
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