
Pun With Gracepoint: Actually...

Setting: Walking about the downtown area, a trolley is spotted.

Sister: Wow, Austin has trolleys! I didn't know that, neat!
Pundit: Actually, they don't run on an electric rail - they just have tires, like a bus.
Sister: Oh, so they're not trolleys? Really?
Pundit: Yes, wheely.


Anonymous said...

after one actual pun, we are back here again...

kenny said...

Is there a troll-free number we can dial to get better puns around here? Not getting much track-tion on these puns.

johnclin said...

That pun got me rolling. :)

Unknown said...

there's no other way to express what i feel except, sighhhhhhhhh =(

Moving Boxes

  Setting : A Slack message goes out regarding moving boxes -- "For the smaller boxes, let's try to fit them into our trunks of car...