Humor site for Gracepoint Berkeley Church and church plants at Davis, Austin, Minneapolis, San Diego, Riverside, Hsinchu, Los Angeles, Irvine, Santa Barbara, Seattle... Because we know that laughter is the best medicine, right after Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture and Western medicine.
Pastor Ed Kang vs. Daniel
I can tell you mockers out there that if we were to have this competition today, I can out-hammer Pastor Ed any time...
And if some might point out that it's because Pastor Ed now has carpel tunnel on his wrists, I would answer, "And your point is?..."
Pure Awesomeness
Brother M: So you're taking a class on evangelism. Have you read that book by Merry Pippin on evangelism?
Friend: ??
Brother M: It's about salt something.
Friend: Oh, you mean Out of the Salt Shaker by Becky Pippert.
Grumpy Old Men Interviews
Common Sense Patient: Type of Steak
submitted by Laura Woods
Sister A: Hi Laura, can you buy the USDA sirloin? It’s on sale for $3.47 per pound. Buy that one… 20 pounds of it.
Laura: Okay, I’ll do that. Sister J, let’s go to the grocery store together. Remember, USDA, 3.47.. 20 pounds.
Sister J: Got it.
[They arrive at the grocery store]
Sister J: Excuse me. Do you have any USDA 347?
Man: Umm… we have tri-tip, sirloin…
Sister J: No, we want USDA 347.
English Patient: Keep Your Eyes Peeled
Sister C from Gracepoint Davis was looking for her car keys, and said to everyone,
“Okay, everyone! Peel your eyes!”
Disclaimer: The real slang is “to keep your eyes peeled”.. I know that many English Patients out there might object to this saying, “What is the difference?” After all, “keeping your eyes peeled” is practically the same as “peel your eyes.” And I must admit that the difference between the two phrases is quite nuanced, which makes it pretty difficult to explain why “peel your eyes” is funny. If I were pressed for an explanation, I would say that one is in the passive voice and the other is in the active, imperative voice. Don’t ask me, all you frustrated and confused English Patients, why that should suddenly make this phrase funny. It just does.
More Problematic Devotions

I recently heard of a brother who said, "Hey guys! Let's do DT on Ramen together!"
Gracepoint Classic: Grumpy Old Men
Gracepoint TC: DT
Disgracepoint Paradise
Why Children Shouldn't Have Candy
This is a video that I took of my kids that demonstrate a powerful reason why parents should not feed their children any candy...
Michelle Hyper from Daniel Kim on Vimeo.
Technical Patient: Being Helpful
Setting: Brother K and Sister J, who are now married, used to work together at a computer lab together.
Brother K: Hmm... I think I need to wipe out the hard drive on this computer.
Sister J: Hold on, I'll get the Kleenex.
Moving Boxes
Setting : A Slack message goes out regarding moving boxes -- "For the smaller boxes, let's try to fit them into our trunks of car...
Friend: What was the name of that Asian girl from Harry Potter? Sister S: Chow Mein! Friend: Nevermind.
The predominant response of people who have seen this picture of Jasper wearing a bullfighter outfit has been, “Why, why why??” In response,...
This video is the compilation of the "best of" Richard Tjhen, who got married recently to Flo. This was shown during their wedding...