
Baby Stuff

Brother J walks into the pantry looking to put away some bottle caps for ketchup/salad dressing dispensers.  And he asks: "Hey!  Where does the baby stuff go?"

English Patient: Gentrification

Friend: Did you hear how that Starbucks closed down because of gentrification?

Sister S: What?  Starbucks did gender profiling?

King Phineas

Setting: During a DT sharing in 1 Kings...  a Sister S gets to the part where it talks about King Phineas.

First time she comes across this name, she reads it as: "Pin-aye-has."  (a decent attempt)
Second time, she reads it as: "Peninas"
Third time, she reads it as: "Panini"

Vision for the World

Jesus told us to go to all the world
The first challenge is to know what the world looks like.

Moving Boxes

  Setting : A Slack message goes out regarding moving boxes -- "For the smaller boxes, let's try to fit them into our trunks of car...